Church-Stavitzke Succeeds Stackhouse as RISE Executive Director | Easterseals Northeast Indiana

Crystal Church-Stavitzke will be promoted to Easterseals RISE executive director as Chris Stackhouse has chosen to resign from the position.

Stackhouse has been executive director since October 2017.

“The birth of our second child earlier this year made it very clear to me that my family has to be my priority for now,” Stackhouse said. “I’m fortunate that my circumstances allow me to make this choice to focus on being a dad.”

During his tenure, Stackhouse established a partnership between the agency formerly known as RISE Inc. and Easterseals Arc of Northeast Indiana that led to a merger between the two organizations and renaming of the Angola agency as Easterseals RISE.

“My complete confidence in Easterseals Arc and Crystal give me peace of mind, knowing that RISE is in good hands,” Stackhouse said.

Stackhouse’s resignation and Church-Stavitzke’s promotion are effective August 7. Church-Stavitzke has been with the organization for more than eight years, currently serving as director of RISE programs.

“Chris’ vision for RISE and openness to collaboration have been vital to the agency’s success,” said Donna Elbrecht, Easterseals Arc CEO/president. “We are sorry to lose him as part of our team, but we understand how difficult it can be to balance family life with work life, especially now.”

Church-Stavitzke brings 20 years of experience in disability services to the role of executive director, as well as deep ties to the Angola community.

“Chris’ commitment to the RISE mission has enabled the agency to evolve and align with the unprecedented quality and leadership of Easterseals Arc,” Church-Stavitzke said. “I view my new role as an opportunity to continue to be a steward of my community and an advocate for the population we serve.”